Privacy Policy

At Edison Gauss Publishing, we appreciate parent’s and educator’s concerns regarding children’s privacy.

  1. While some Edison Gauss games or non-educational apps may contain ads, none of our educational and academic apps advertise or display ads of any 3rd party networks.
  2. Edison Gauss apps do not collect personally identifiable information (PII).  No PII data is uploaded to our servers.  Edison Gauss does not have any PII to sell or release to 3rd party web sites, networks, or social media properties.
  3. The name fields in the educational and academic apps are internal data necessary for sharing apps among multiple users on a single device.  The data itself is not collected by Edison Gauss and not made available to 3rd party web sites, networks, or social media properties.

Edison Gauss reserves the right to change the privacy policy.  The up-to-date policy is published here.  Users are informed of changes to the privacy policy through the RSS feed in each app.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact our privacy officer at

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